miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

Tareas Gestión bancaria SENA - 14 de agosto

Homework Gestión Bancaria
1.       Answer the all the questions you find on the blog on the link PERSONAL INFORMATION IN ENGLISH - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Ten in total and practice the pronunciation.
On http://inglessenauraba.blogspot.com/2013_06_01_archive.html

2.       Develop the worshops you find at the bottom.

Aquí son los talleres:


3.       Answer the following questions in your notebook.
a.        We want to know a little bit about you. Give us a short description of who you are:
b.        Do you work? If so, tell us where:
c.        Tell us where you go to study.
d.        Tell us where you live.
e.        Let us know about your marital status:
f.          Tell us about your family, you know…mom, dad…:
g.        In case we need to contact you, let us know how you want us to reach you:

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