domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

Learning Activity 0 (Diagnosis) - TASK 3 - PROFILE FORM ACT 0


1. We want to know a little bit about you. Give us a short description of who you are:

I am a student. I study Banana Production Enterprise Gestion. I am  a shy girl who loves watching TV and writing fantasy tales.

2. WORK - Do you work? If so, tell us where.

At the moment I don´t work I only study.

I work for Little Bleu Mule. Which is a nice bar and discotec.
I work in a restaurant in the morning. I am a waitress.

3. EDUCATION - Tell us where you go to study.

I go to SENA
I study in SENA. I study Banana Production Enterprise Gestion.

4. LIVING - Tell us where you live.

I live in my parents´ house in Apartadó. My neighborhood is called Policarpa.

5. RELATIIONSHIP - Let us know about your marital status.

I am single.
I am married.
I live in free union.
I am a widow – Widower.
I am separated.

6. FAMILY - Tell us about your family, you know…mom, dad…

I have six brothers and a sister. We are 10 at home with my father and my mother.
My father works in a banana plantation and my mother is a housewife.
Four of my brothers work and the other three study. I work and study too.

7. CONTACT INFO – In case we need to contact you, let us know how you want us to reach you.

I live in Policarpa – Block 3 – House n° 35.
My telephone number is 321 737 7049
My e-mail address is


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